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love particle in collision with sarcasm

105 Stimmen
© Mes Calinum   
once I fell in love with you,
but like every fool knows
... true love needs two

it happened on the very first day
damn! I remember your brown sparkling eyes
... like stars exploding up in the milky way

and of course it got worse ...

my heart was colliding
and I felt like a light beam
or more like a weak rock
hitting the brightest star ever seen

and the truth was ...

instead of a star, I had found a black hole
full of silence - charisma like gravity
it swallowed my brightness, and broke my soul

I know I’m not your shooting star
don’t ever expect me to fall from your sky
I’ll just search for that orbit, just want that true love
I’m not dust or dark matter: farewell and goodbye!


Ich dachte, dass ist mal ein netter Kontrast zu meinen Kurzgeschichten. Ich entschuldige mich dafür, dass es in Englisch ist. Die Sprache liegt mir manchmal näher. ;)

http://www.webstories.cc 16.05.2024 - 19:38:53