1 Seiten

Pure Hate

Nachdenkliches · Poetisches
© Ragnarok
The only future is the past.
There`s nothing that forever last.
And pain is just what fills the world,
that pain that will forever hurt.
So feel the pain, don`t go by,
`caus after death your soul will fly,
deep down, beyond the gates of hell.
And there, I promise, it will burn well.
No hope you have, don´t trust in God.
Before decades he just forgot,
you and all your trusted mate.
And all that rested is pure hate.

Pure hate for me and you.
Just pure hate- just that is true.
Pure hate for he and she,
just pure hate- you will see.
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schwachsinn wird auch im schlechten englisch nicht besser!

anonym (10.10.2008)

Very well done! but in the last phrase you say: "pure hate for he and she,..." First of all I suggest "Ladies first". But it is also not she and he because 100% correct would be "her and him", but this again does not build a rhime with what is in the next line "you will see". Maybe you will think about it (?) Meanwhile I will give you ...aaaahmmmmmmm.....100 points.

Frankie (20.10.2005)

Schön geschrieben, vor allem auf Englisch, so würde ich das nie hinkriegen. Die Wortwahl ist ebenfalls sehr fein und die Thematik an sich auch recht gut. 4 Punkte von mir :>

Juria (05.10.2005)

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